The Long Haul
The Long Haul is a pickup-and-delivery game. Each player works as the operator of an American trucking company, traveling around the country to fulfill orders. Each company has slightly modified gameplay. Players draw Route cards, and can use them as movement, or to complete their orders. Players can also choose to push their luck and draw cards which can either help their progress or cause setbacks.
Players : 2-5
Difficulty : EASY-MEDIUM
Duration : 45-60 MINUTES
Provided Components
Game board
117 cards
87 Route cards​
30 Priority cards
6 Company cards
Money tokens
TOTAL : 13 double-sided A4 sheets, 4 double-sided Letter sheets, 8 single-sided Letter sheets
Additional Components
Six truck pawns in matching colors
12 shipment tokens
10th Delivery token
1 Weather token
Long Haul - Setup
Long Haul - Midgame